Church of San Bevignate

Chiesa di San Bevignate

The church of San Bevignate is just outside Perugia, in via E. Dal Pozzo, opposite the Monumental cemetery.

A complex series of factors contributed to its construction around the mid-13th century: Raniero Fasani's Flagellation movement, which, beginning in Perugia in 1260, spread all over Italy; the new working-class, who having gained political prominence, felt the need to legitimise themselves with their own temple and their own saint, choosing the mysterious Bevignate, who had never been canonized and of whom no reliable documentation exists. Lastly, because of the numerous hermits and hermitages in the area and the presence of Knights Templar who needed a new church in place of San Giustino d'Arna.

Indeed, it was precisely the Knights Templar who managed to obtain patronage for the building from the pontiff.
After the destruction of the order, in 1312 the church passed to the Order of the Knights of Saint John (of Jerusalem), then to the monks of Saint John and later to various confraternities until 1860, when it became property of the State, and was entrusted to the municipality of Perugia.
Outside, the church's appearance is rather bare, following the model of buildings built by the Templars in the Holy Land. Inside is a single nave with two bays and a groin-vaulted ceiling. There is a raised squared apse, introduced by a large triumphal arch, containing frescoes from the 13 th and 14 th centuries of great importance like Procession of the flagellants, the Battle between Templars and Muslims, the Legend of San Bevignate, on whose cape is some graffiti engraved between the end of the 15th and the 16th century perhaps by pilgrims, followers or Templars.

General informations:

- Entrance fee
- Totally usable by the disabled
- Bookshop, toilets, parking

Opening hours:

January, February, March, November and December: Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 - 13.00
April, May, June, July, August, September and October: Saturday and Sunday: 10.00-13.00 / 15.00-18.00 Closed 25 December and 1 January

- During the opening hours, audio guides (in Italian and English), informative and in-depth material, guide in Braille are available free of charge; operators can also answer questions and provide short free insights into the history of the museum.

- For guided tours, extraordinary openings, after hours, educational services / didactic workshops and other services
- For requests I use space

Info and reservations:
Munus s.r.l.
tel. 075 9477727



Mancini F. F. &  Casagrande G. (1982), Perugia. Guida storico-artistica, Bologna, Fotometalgrafica Emiliana.
Roncetti M., Scalpellini P. et al. (1997), Templari e ospitalieri in Italia. La chiesa di S.Bevignate a Perugia, Milano.
Montella M. (1993) (a cura di), Perugia, Perugia, Electa Editori Umbri.
T.C.I. (2004), Umbria, Milano, Touring Editore.

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