Titolo: Palazzo della Penna

Palazzo della Penna

The Palazzo della Penna, formerly known as the Palazzo dei Vibi, located in Perugia between Viale Indipendenza and the Tre Archi, has its entrance in Via Podiani, a side street of Corso Cavour.

The Palazzo della Penna was the prestigious residence of Ascanio della Penna, who kept the famous collection of works of art of Baron Fabrizio della Penna.

A visit to the palace is recommended both to admire the buiding, with interesting stratification of different historical periods, but also to see the collections of Baroque and contemporary art preserved in it.

The sixteenth-century building is set on the remains of the Roman amphitheatre. Along Via Marconi you can see the tower and the medieval walls absorbed into the complex as well as the old farmhouses. The windows on the first floor, with their partially recessed position, declare the succession of the construction phases of the masonry. The building was renovated in the early nineteenth century.

On the first floor are some paintings of the nineteenth century inspired by the Myth of Paris, signed by Antonio Castelletti. Of the same period are the pleasant ideal views inside the room of Landscapes, perhaps the work of Pasquale Angelici. Today the building, used as a museum, houses four important art collections: on the first floor are works of the Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia as well as the painter air-futurist Gerardo Dottori. Use the spiral staircase designed by the famous architect Franco Minissi, to descend to the collection Valentino Martinelli and the large vaulted room that houses the six blackboards made by Joseph Beuys during his visit to Perugia in 1980.

During the year the palace also hosts temporary exhibitions of famous contemporary artists of various nationalities.

The collection of Baron Fabrizio della Penna, sold in 1899, included paintings by Barocci, Bassano, Bellini, Bronzino, Canaletto, Caravaggio, Carracci, Pietro da Cortona, Giorgione, Guercino, Michelangelo, Perugino, Poussin, Raffaello, Reni, Rosa and Signorelli.

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