Burri Collection at the Former Tobacco Dryers

Burri Collection at the Former Tobacco Drying Barns

The complex of the Former Tobacco Drying Barns, launched in 1990, completes the Collection of Albizzini Palace with cycles carried out by Alberto Burri between 1979 and 1993. 

The facilities of the Tobacco Autonomous Farm, built between the late 1950s and the mid-1960s for drying tropical tobacco produced in the area of Città di Castello, was dismantled in the 1970s. In 1978 the artist from Città di Castello obtained them to use as a studio for making large-format artworks.

In 1979 the building was opened to present, to critics and to the public, the first wide painting cycle named "The journey". The acquisition of the whole complex by the Albizzini Palace Foundation, made possible in 1989, initiated the general project of restoration and adaptation of the museum.

The exhibition space, launched in July 1990, hosts 128 artworks including painting cycles and monumental sculptures, also placed outside on the lawn.

The "cycles" are a collection of artworks forming an inseparable unit: The journey (1979), Orsanmichele (1980), Sextant (1982), Red and Black (1983-1984), T Cellotex (1975-1984), Annottarsi (1985-1987), He doesn't love black (1988), Big blacks (1988-1990), Metamorfotex (1991) and The Black and Gold (1992-1993).

The external spaces display some monumental sculptures: Big Sextant Iron, Big K Iron and U Iron.

In the March 2017, on the occasion of the anniversary of Alberto Burri's birth, the Albizzini Palace Foundation launched a new section of the museum, so bringing to conclusion the long year of the Centenary.

The third Museum occupies a space of over 4000 square metres, all obtained thanks to a recent re-qualifying project that concerned part of the underlying space in wide settings hosting, according to the original installation prepared by Burri, his Great Cycles of Art.

An exhibition area reaching 11,500 square metres, with the three different collections, also including some open-air sculptures, make the "Burri pole" of Città di Castello the world's largest Artistic Museum and one of the most important European places of the contemporary art.

The section includes the whole repertoire of the Master's graphic works and multiples, consisting of over 200 artworks underscoring his extraordinary manual skills and attitude to constant experimentation. 

For further information

Via Pierucci
06012 - Città di Castello (PG) 
email: museo@fondazioneburri.org
sito web: www.fondazioneburri.org



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