Church of the Santissima Trinità - Avigliano Umbro
In the following centuries it was completely restored and unfortunately this restoration impoverished the pictorial decoration of the building.
In the following centuries it was completely restored and unfortunately this restoration impoverished the pictorial decoration of the building.
However, some works remained like the precious Madonna of the Rosary between St. John the Evangelist, St. Dominic, St. Catherine and St. Cecilia by Andrea Polinori. Some other frescoes remained depicting saints including Sant'Antonio Abate and a Conversion of St. Paul attributed to Bartholomeo Barbiani of Montepulciano and a 17th-century Madonna with Saints between Sant'Anthony of Padua and Santa Barbara.
Also worth noting inside the church are a 14th-century silver and enamel cross and two paintings, also by Polinori, depicting the Deposition and San Lorenzo.