Summer exhibitions of Collicola Palace Visual Arts.

Summer exhibitions of Collicola Palace Visual Arts.

Julian Friedler (Retro Boz), Nicola Pucci (Vertigoland) and Pierpaolo Curti (White Corner) in Palazzo Collicola, Donato Piccolo (Butterfly Effect) at the Saints John and Paul's Church, as well as Elio Casalino (Onirikon) at the Roman House: they are the Summer Exhibitions of Collicola Palace, in Spoleto, that will go on until the 2nd of October 2016. 

RETRO BOZ is a collection of over 150 works, among paintings, sculptures, installations and phantasmagoric characters with a dreamlike and primitive feature that, from 1998 to 2016, have been telling about the complexity of Julien Friedler, unique figure in the contemporary art's panorama.

On the other hand, the personal exhibition of Nicola Pucci has been set up on the Noble Floor of Collicola Palace, by recreating the typical vivid environments of the artist: full of energy, existing but abstracts for a mysterious, dramaturgic, dynamic, ambiguous, realistic and at the same time absurd painting style.

Pierpaolo Curti, former professional football player, made sport an application of method and discipline, two inputs that defined his figurative genetics. The structure of the football field influenced the optical mechanism of Curti: we can find again that rectangle through logical hints, metaphorical signals and paved directions.

The exhibition proceeds with "Opera Celibe" ("Bachelor Work"), the cycle of digital art installations that from 2015 is animating the former Saints John and Paul's church with Butterfly Effect by Donato Piccolo. Starting from a butterfly wings' flap on a drum, a modular sculpture has been shaped, penetrating the entire church's space, spreading out the sound until the apse. The Donato Piccolo's installation can be visited until the 10th July 2016.

In conclusion, the Roman House hosts "Onirikon" by Elio Casalino. The artist paints at night and with the night's arrival, by absorbing the Baroque's roots of a Rome that, with the darkness, shows its real aspect, a Rome pouring out the blood memory of Scipio, Mario Mafai, Tano Festa, etc. 

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