Playbill Respiro


From 4 May to 6 July, at Indigo Art Gallery, Via Oberdan 51, Perugia, sculptor Francesco Petrone's solo exhibition "Respiro", curated by Chiara Guidoni, will be on show.
The exhibition will be an opportunity to present the artist's new production on glass, completely unpublished and inspired by a reflection that Petrone has always carried out and that viscerally concerns his work, namely to tell and highlight people's stories. 
In particular, the artist collects and selects words, phrases or drawings, contained in letters, diaries or testimonies in general, and then fixes them on tarnished glass, through the handwriting of those who left these signs. These have as their common denominator the fact of having failed, totally or in part, to reach the recipient for whom they were intended and written. A reflection on the boundaries of communication and emotionality, on the need to tell and reveal oneself, common to everyone, but which, in some cases, has not found an outlet. 
A fundamental collaboration for the retrieval of the testimonies was the one set up with the National Diary Archive in Pieve Santo Stefano (AR), which is an elected partner in this project, as it collects, preserves and valorises the personal stories of the many who have chosen the form of the diary to tell their stories and to be preserved.

For further information:
Facebook: IndigoPerugia

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