La sottile linea d’Umbria
From 15 June to 7 October, the 14 state-owned cultural venues in Umbria will be the protagonists of the exhibition 'The Thin Line of Umbria', which will see the national institutes collaborating with ten museums included in the regional circuit and other Umbrian realities.
The National Museums of Perugia involved will be:
Bufalini Castle in San Giustino, with an exhibition of sculptures by Giuseppe Gallo; the Ducal Palace in Gubbio, with a photographic exhibition by Luigi Spina; the Roman Theatre in Gubbio; Villa del Colle del Cardinale in Perugia with an exhibition of works by young artists from the Perugia Fine Arts Academy; the National Gallery of Umbria with an exhibition of Klimt's 'The Three Ages'; the National Archaeological Museum of Umbria with an exhibition of paintings by Gianni Dessì; the Hypogeum of the Volumni and Necropolis of Palazzone with an exhibition of sculptures by CelsAuri; the Palaeontological Museum Boldrini in Piegaro with an exhibition of contemporary art by Alice Pasquini; the Tempietto sul Clitunno in Campello sul Clitunno with an exhibition of modern art by Marco Tirelli; Rocca Albornoz in Spoleto with an exhibition by Mario Merz; the Church of Sant'Agata in Spoleto with an exhibition by Stefano di Stasio the National Archaeological Museum in Orvieto with the exhibition "Un'inaspettata convergenza" by Paola Gandolfi; the Etruscan Necropolis of Crocifisso del Tufo in Orvieto with "Serate d'Autore"; the Archaeological Area of Carsulae in Terni with the exhibition of works by Paolo Canevari.
A further initiative will be MuseiON, with five events taking place in 10 museums. Each event will link two museums through simultaneous artistic performances.
The museums involved will be: the Municipal Picture Gallery in Città di Castello, the Palazzo dei Consoli Civic Museum in Gubbio, Palazzo della Corgna and the Medieval Fortress in Castiglione del Lago, the Regional Ceramics Museum in Deruta, the Palazzo Trinci City Museum in Foligno, the San Francesco Museum Complex in Montefalco, the San Francesco Museum Complex and the Museum of the Olive Tree Civilisation in Trevi, Palazzo Collicola in Spoleto, the E. Rosa Civic Archaeological Museum and Picture Gallery in Amelia and the E. Rosa Museum of the Olive Tree Civilisation in Amelia. Rosa in Amelia and the Museum of the City and Territory in Palazzo Eroli in Narni.
For the complete programme HERE
For further information:
website: La sottile linea d'umbria