Titolo: Chiesa di San Francesco - Deruta

Chiesa di San Francesco - Deruta

The Church of St. Francis is the main place of Catholic worship in Deruta. Its consecration dates back to 1388, after its reconstruction following a violent earthquake.

The building presents a single aisle preserving a series of important frescoes including, starting from the left, the one by Domenico Alfani representing the Madonna with the Child between St. Francis and St. Bernardino of Siena; and frescoes depicting St. Sebastiano, Sts.

Peter and Paul, Martyrdom of a saint, Two stories of St. Catherine from Alexandria’s life. 
Continuing the visit of the church you will find the Chapel of the Rosary, dating back to 1846, preserving the statue of the Virgin of Rosary. A fresco of the 14th century representing the Christ’s Resurrection is visible in the apse.

The church’s windows are instead a modern artwork: the central one has been made in the 1950s and the lateral ones in the 1980s. The frescoes continue on the right along the aisle: the Madonna with the Child among the saints Peter Apostle, Paul of Tarsus, San Ludovico of Toulouse, Catherine of Alexandria and Francis of Assisi; the fresco with Christ at the house of Martha and Mary and a niche with a fresco of St. Anthony of Padua.
The wonderful ceramic floor that characterises the church dates back to 1700 and was originally located in the Church of St. Angel. Today it is preserved in the Regional Museum of the Ceramics. The church was damaged by the earthquake of 30 October 2016 and reopened to the public on 21st May 2017.

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