From 14 September to 30 October 2024 it will be possible to visit ‘Catastrophe’, Sasha Toli's first solo exhibition, at the new THEPÒSITO Art Space in Narni Scalo.
The title of the exhibition recalls the climax of the ancient tragedy, that moment when the protagonist is forced to face the deepest and most painful truth, but only through this change, the catharsis, is he able to reach a new awareness. This process of destruction and rebirth lies at the heart of the works exhibited by the Umbrian artist: each work is a portal to an inner revelation, a guide on a path of self-discovery and analysis.
Sasha Toli's artistic production manages to interconnect a peculiar Mesoamerican iconography and a Flemish figuration of detail that recalls the works of Hieronymus Bosch.
For more information:
Facebook: Thepositoartspace