Easter in Cascia

Easter in Cascia


The Procession of the Dead Christ takes place on Good Friday. Leaving from the Collegiate church of Santa Maria, the procession crosses the town, through the candle and torch-lit streets, re-enacting the Passion of Christ.

Men and women sing the Miserere, whilst the Penitents walk ahead of the coffin of Christ, which is carried on the shoulders of the faithful.



Leaving from the Porta Palatina, the Procession of the Dead Christ on Good Friday, parades along the town's walls with a cortège of more than 400 participants in costume who, with the "quadri viventi" -tableau vivants, recall the drama and tragedy of the crucifixion.


Monteleone di Spoleto

The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Good Friday. Characteristic moments of this day are the Adoration of the Cross and the Procession which, from the church of San Francesco, winds around the main streets of the town as far as the pinewood. The event is organised by the town's two confraternities: that of the "Santissimo Sacramento" –"The Blessed Sacrament" (the Whites) who have the task of carrying the Blessed Sacrament in the procession and that of the "Buona Morte"- "Of the Good Death" (the Blacks) who carry the Cross and the statues of the Dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows.

The celebrations continue on Easter Sunday and Monday with the Easter Processions.


For more information on these and other events in the local area:



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