In My End Is My Beginning
Until 20 October 2024, it will be possible to visit in Spoleto, in the room adjacent to the Biblioteca Carandente, on the first floor of Palazzo Collicola, an unpublished intervention by the artist Lulù Nuti, "In My End Is My Beginning". The project, curated by Spazio Taverna, is the result of a collaboration between the artist and the European Gravitational Observatory, the CAOS laboratory of the University of Perugia and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). The work was created on the margins of a residency that Nuti carried out at the European Gravitational Observatory in Cascina: the meeting between the artist and the researchers led to the creation of a large-format sculpture, which recalls a movement of expansion and contraction, the symmetry of a gravitational field at rest, and the vertigo that the imagination feels when depicting the curvature of space-time.
With Lulù Nuti's work, this museum space intends to increasingly characterise itself as a showcase for emerging artists, who are invited to present themselves with a 'one-act' that invades the entire room.
For more information:
website: Palazzo Collicola