Titolo: Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta - Allerona

Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta - Allerona

The parish church of St. Mary of the Assumption (15th century) is in the village.
Documented as a Collegiate church since 1275, at the beginning of the 16th century it was decorated with a precious panel by Nicolò Alunno, representing our Lady of the Assumption surrounded by glorifying angels.

Originally it had two side doors with the figures of St. John Baptist and St. Sebastian, that are now located in the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome.
There is also a very interesting fresco by Giovanni Antonio de' Sacchis, called Pordenone, commissioned in 1516 by the widow of Bartolomeo from Alviano, Pantasilea Baglioni, representing the noblewoman herself as well as a Virgin with Saints.

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